Thursday, August 28, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I've been tagged
oh wow
7 facts about me
1.Rasyiqah is my name
2. 16 is my age
3. born on the 11th of March when my mum was having a meeting...heh
4. books = love.
5. music + guitar = love
6. dance = love
7 things that scare me
1. Lizards...they're icky
2. reality.. bwahahaha
3. Velcro's ... annoying
4. losing something that I love
5. L.O.V.E ... *sigh*
6. failure
7. facing my parents after the failure
7 songs of the moment
2. The Call
3. Dancing in the Moonlight
4. You Could Be Happy
5. Feedback
6. If I Never See Your Face Again
7. Apologize (ahahahahaha)
7 things that I always say
1. What the hell la wei
2. Yeah yeah
4. Err
5. Hmmm
6. Shoot
7. Girls, stop talking and face infront *sigh*
7 things that matter the most to me
1. My religion
2. Real Friends
3. Family
4. Good Grades (have to from now on)
5. Photography
6. My Books
7. Music and Dance
Friday, August 8, 2008 obsession with it starts when I saw the new BMW 7 how many years ago...
even my dad bought me a yellow BMW M3...
too bad that I couldn't fit in it
but it is not that serious until now...
when I read twilight (yeah yeah yawn yawn bored)
but dang the characters car r so freakingly awesome!!
Edwards car Volvo S60 R

Carlisle's car Mercedes S55 AMG

Bella's car on the first chapter of BD
freakingly awesome *****
Mercedes Guardian

my dream car

BMW Z4 M Roadster
the dream will never come true because
a) super blurdy expensive
b) no use driving that car in Malaysia
c) somebody will steal the car even before I have the time to drive it
Like what Cheryl n I agreed on
" Marry some super rich guy or/and who owns a car company and leave him soon as you got the car you want "
- I am not that mean-
i won't complain if my car is a beat up 70's car
as long as I can drive
but having a car u really want wont hurt rite?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
two things
a) test
b) breaking dawn
Lets start with a)
Test. Done.
Though when I get the results I will burn it and tell my parents that I accidentally drop them at the big drain in front of Convent.
Seriously, in a polite way...what were the teachers thinking?!
Not that I'm complaining or anything but come on
I did not finish answering for MOST of the papers and mostly because I don't know how to.
Yeah Yeah...MY FAULT
b) Breaking Dawn.
Got it on the exact date (thanks Sher Lyn) and I read it on the exact day...finish it on the same day..even though I have to study Bio, Sejarah and Agama for the next day....yeah I read 3 books at a time (except agama which I know my marks will sucks)
Although all the spoilers I read from the internet were true...
Weirdly enough I could accept it
even though it is a bit TOO HAPPY ENDING
and there were a lot of questions unanswered...(pregnant?!)
and it is a tiny bit cheesy + weird (Renesmee?!)
and creepy (imprint?!)
and lack of actions (FIGHT!)
the book was interesting (especially from Jacob's the chapter tittles)
you will suffer a bit of roller- coaster emotions when you read it (maybe it was my PMS)
Funny Quotes...Emmett.
the CARS.
So, tuntasnya I meant the conclusion is
It is good magnificent fantastical book to read...
So don't miss it.
Though there is a waiting list if anybody wants to borrow my book.
I hope the teachers wont notice any Edward Cullens or Jacob Blacks or other Cullens doodling traces on my Question paper.