CARS... obsession with it starts when I saw the new BMW 7 how many years ago...
even my dad bought me a yellow BMW M3...
too bad that I couldn't fit in it
but it is not that serious until now...
when I read twilight (yeah yeah yawn yawn bored)
but dang the characters car r so freakingly awesome!!
Edwards car Volvo S60 R

Carlisle's car Mercedes S55 AMG

Bella's car on the first chapter of BD
freakingly awesome *****
Mercedes Guardian

my dream car

BMW Z4 M Roadster
the dream will never come true because
a) super blurdy expensive
b) no use driving that car in Malaysia
c) somebody will steal the car even before I have the time to drive it
Like what Cheryl n I agreed on
" Marry some super rich guy or/and who owns a car company and leave him soon as you got the car you want "
- I am not that mean-
i won't complain if my car is a beat up 70's car
as long as I can drive
but having a car u really want wont hurt rite?
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