ok ok
i procrastinate too much
and lazy to update
coz no one bothers a
nyway anywho
(sorry its a bit messy)
Before Raya
aka Ramadan aka fasting month aka the time where we can't eat the time where we look tired and thus providing a reason why we can't do our homework
Ok so what is Hari Raya without Kuih Raya right...This year my sister baked 3 cookies and I only baked 1 (yes people i know how to)
So Kuih number 1: Kuih Suji a cookie where it tastes kinda creamy and the taste just EXPLODES in your mouth
REVIEWS: my dad: UMMMOHMHUMMM *nods head*

After baked
I help too okay..
But unfortunately there was an accident. My sister nearly lose her finger trying to 'kikis' cheese to make The Cheese Straws. You see people lose their fingers playing mercun or bomb or whatever but my sister...yeah.
Don't worry theres no hint of blood in ANY of her cookings or baking
So Kuih Number 2: The Cheese Straw
For all the cheese lover...YUMMY

I did one too..my sister called it my Ulat Beluncas
Unfortunately they had to burn in HELL
Next Kuih Number 3:
Oh yeah...the all time popular and favourite cookies....
the smell will make you .....

Oh wait
you cant
Kuih Number 4: Cornflakes!
shes been munching it even before I baked it
REVIEWS: I BERJAYA I MADE IT and ITS EDIBLE its finishing fast...even before I baked it..
During Raya
This year's Raya meant a lot for me..because EVERYBODY in my family is present. Last Year was a very dramatic raya (We raya-ed in a Hospital.. Kak Syedah was in the Hospital...Irfan was born very prematurely Abg Izhar was celebrating on a ship on the ocean with some dolphins)
This year we're celebrating in SINGAPORE
and of course we've got a full picture....
When the men were praying (solat sunat aidilfitri) we the ladies had to guard the car
mum me kak syedah kak ana
bro kak noha Nurin
Then we head off to Rumah Nek Wan to what else EAT.
It is compulsory to eat if you come to my grandma's house and it is also compulsory to eat more than two servings or you'll be frown upon...
you could see the humongous prawns
pictures tell a thousand words...or taste.
Next is bersalam-salaman time.
Here we say sorry to everybody for our mistakes and of course there were
few who shed some tears
( I'm emo duh...my grandma's speech to me was heartbreaking..

My bro irfan nurin kak noha
Irfan can surely pas as my bro's son...
(i hope they have a baby next year....hehe)
abg izhar kak syedah irfan
abg napi n kak ana
and uber cute shoes n socks
we all just wanna bit him!!
Next we visit the neighbour and my bro-in-law's house (Abg Izhar and Abg Napi).
We ate and ate again.
We talked and talked and talked.
And I got MUH-NEY...
Though they were talking about cancer and how
After the visits,
went back to Nek Wan's house and I fainted...slept.
When I woke up...I ate again.
After 11pm we went back coz my dad and Abg Napi r working on the next day
After Raya
The moment I woke up
I've lost my voice
and I got the flu
4 people got the flu
n we were wearing mask coz Irfan was around
Kak syedah called us THE MASK RIDERS
So for the people who were hoping to eat for free at my open house...sorry to disappoint..but I got quarantined....I'm coughing and I'm sneezing..I still am
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